minus CSS dan HTML
Saturday 4 December 2010 - Filed under kubikel + web 2.0
barusan saya tanya sama didi, kolega saya di pabrik kata-kata.
tentang CSS, tentang HTML, tentang susahnya mengeduk kedua pengetahuan itu. “gampang-gampang susah, fem …” katanya. ya, tapi saya tetap harus belajar keduanya.
tahu kenapa? saya barusan menemukan sebuah tulisan di blog, yang ini bukan pertama yang saya jumpai. kelak, syarat untuk menjadi wartawan bukan hanya soal pengetahuan dan kemampuan menulis.
Ten basic new media skills that today’s journalist should know:
1) How to upload an image to a blog. (I know journalists that don’t know how.)
2) How to add a link to text in an online story.
3) How to take and edit a photo and resize it for a web page.
4) How to embed the code for a video in a web page and resize it.
5) How to find relevant links to a story and add them to it.
6) How to take a digital video, edit it, and publish it in several formats.
7) How to make online stories discoverable.
8) How to read HTML and be able to fix common problems.
9) How to read CSS and be able to make modifications in stylesheets.
10) How to survive in an always-on work day, and produce two or three times as much content as before.
oh my goodness …
2010-12-04 » Femi Adi